In this near future SciFi Thriller, young Juliette is determined to win the upcoming Space Tech Space race. She has enlisted her brother and their friends help and her Dad as her sponsor. No one thinks she has a chance to win but she was a secret talent and a new ship design that will surprise everyone. Of course there will be obstacles along the way.
In this near future SciFi Thriller novella, young Juliette is determined to win the upcoming Space Tech Space race. She has enlisted her brother and their friends help and her Dad as her sponsor. No one thinks she has a chance to win but she was a secret talent and a new ship design that will surprise everyone. Of course there will be obstacles along the way.
In fact, competing in the race is a man so determined to win that he will do anything to win, even to the point that it may be the end of our young heroine. It will take help but because of the special abilities of her family Juliette may still come through.